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Electronics & Gadgets (4063 ads available)

Introduction To The Vast World Of Electronic Gadgets

The electronic industry began in the 19th century. With time, the industry made several major developments, which led to the introduction of radio transmitters, gramophones, television, and receivers.

Although there are several types of electronic gadgets, consumer electronics tend to be the most popular. These electronics are used every day and include communication, entertainment, and office items. Furthermore, latest electronic gadgets such as personal computers, audio equipment, and televisions, etc. have become increasingly popular over the years.

Today, the industry stands as a trillion-dollar business that has extended its reach to every developed and underdeveloped country.

Availability Of All The Electronic Gadgets In Bangladesh

When it comes to the availability of electronic gadgets in Bangladesh, it is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Not only does it import products but locally manufactures them as well.

Some of the popular Bangladeshi electronic brands include Jamuna Electronics, Walton, Eco Plus, Singer, Vicon and Vision, etc. Furthermore, giants such as Samsung and LG have also installed their factories in Bangladesh to achieve technical collaboration with several local manufacturers.

With leading smartphones also making their way into Bangladesh, the country is keeping up with the international competition.

How To Find The Perfect Places For Buying Or Selling Electronic Gadgets Online?

Buying or selling electronic gadgets online are two separate things. There are several ways of doing that over the internet. 


When looking for the perfect places to buy electronic gadgets in Bangladesh, it is important that you read reviews and browse through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

You will become aware of what customers have to say and pages as well that sell original and authentic products.


If you are planning to do long-term business, it is suggested that you create your own website. Otherwise, you can create an account on Amazon and eBay, etc. and start selling products by paying a certain amount of fee.

Since social media platforms have a huge following, you should also consider marketing your products and selling them by creating a profile.

How To Choose Between New & Used Items?

Choosing between new and used items mostly depends on your budget. New items are backed by a warranty, which makes them comparatively expensive. Then comes your personal preference and the actual need for the item.

On the other hand, used items are cheaper and therefore, do not come with a warranty. If you intend to use a product for the short-term, then opting for a used item will be appropriate. However, if you need it for long-term usage, then opting for a new item will be a wise decision. 

How To Be A Seller For Electronic Gadgets On Keeno?

To be a seller of unique electronic gadgets On Keeno, you will first need to decide your niche. Then, you will need to plan your logistics as a well-established supply chain network is going to be a crucial aspect of your business.

Furthermore, you will need to maintain the product catalog that includes updated news and information concerning electronic gadgets. At the same time, you will need to carefully consider your return and other important related policies as well along with marketing and product descriptions. 

How To Get The Best Price When Buying The Latest Electronic Gadget From Online?

Every consumer is looking for the best buying price when it comes to online shopping. Luckily, different electronic gadget stores regularly offer discounts, offers, and introduction packages for a limited time period.

Therefore, the best way to get the best price is cross-comparing what others have to offer. Websites such as Amazon always offer products and items in packages at reduced prices. This allows the customer to purchase not only the product but several other accessories as well. 

What To Buy; New Or Used?

The decision between buying a new or used product depends on the condition, your budget, and how much you will be saving. Used items are not always faulty and in some cases, you will come across products that were little to not being used.

Furthermore, such items also carry a warranty as well. Therefore, if you come across a deal that includes a good condition product while saving a few hundred dollars, there is no harm in opting for that. On the other, if your budget allows for a new product, then nothing better buying best selling electronic gadgets.

Most Selling Types Of The Products & Their Average Prices

Since Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, the demand for different types of products is ever increasing. Take a look at some of the top electronic gadgets along with their average prices in Bangladesh.

  • Clothing- Taka 1,220

  • Mobile Phones-Taka 12,000

  • Furniture-Taka 7,000

  • Footwear-Taka 370

Which Point You Should Focus On When Selling Electronic Gadgets Online?

When selling latest electronic gadgets online, there are several factors you need to consider.

First, the product descriptions should exactly be the same as the products.

Second, you should define your niche and target customer segment in accordance.

Third, you need to market your products.

Lastly, understand that selling unique electronic gadgets online requires patience. You have to be professional throughout your conversation with a potential customer and should try to clear the customer of any confusion.

Things You Should Do As An Online Seller

As an online seller of top electronic gadgets, you have several responsibilities to follow. To begin with, you need to keep yourself as well as the customers updated about deals, information, and news regarding the products you are selling. Furthermore, request feedback so that you are able to cover the gaps in your business.

If you own a website, you should invest in it as much as you can. Spend on SEO strategies and different marketing techniques. This will allow you to extend the reach of your business to a broader customer segment in a relatively short amount of time.