Gaming pc

  Dhaka City, Jatrabari

time icon  1 year ago

22000.00 tk

product owner image

Rayan Khan

Details :

Motherboard = Msi H81m 

Cpu = Core i3 3.5ghz 

Ram = 16 gb Kingstone Orginal

Gpu = R9 270 dual x 2gb ddr5 Better then Gt 1030 

Psu = Thermalteck Smart se 530 watt full moduler powersupply

Ssd = wd Green 110 gb ssd

Hdd 1 = Segate barracuda 1tb

Hdd 2 = samsung 1tb

Hdd 3 = 300 gb name forgot

Monitor = Samsung orginal 19 inch monitor

Keyboard and mouse combo rgb

1 gampad and dual speaker.

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